Monday, August 3, 2015


How would I know if I am running a 32-bit kernel or 64-bit kernel?
To display if the kernel is 32-bit enabled or 64-bit enabled, type:
bootinfo -K

How do I know if I am running a uniprocessor kernel or a multiprocessor kernel?
/unix is a symbolic link to the booted kernel. To find out what kernel mode is running, enter ls -l /unix and see what file /unix it links to. The following are the three possible outputs from the ls -l /unix command and their corresponding kernels:
/unix -> /usr/lib/boot/unix_up # 32 bit uniprocessor kernel
/unix -> /usr/lib/boot/unix_mp # 32 bit multiprocessor kernel
/unix -> /usr/lib/boot/unix_64 # 64 bit multiprocessor kernel

AIX 5L Version 5.3 does not support a uniprocessor kernel.

How much real memory does my machine have?
To display real memory in kilobytes (KB), type one of the following:
bootinfo -r

lsattr -El sys0 -a realmem

How many processors does my system have?
To display the number of processors on your system, type:
lscfg | grep proc

How many hard disks does my system have and which ones are in use?
To display the number of hard disks on your system, type:

How do I list information about a specific physical volume?
To find details about hdisk1, for example, run the following command:
lspv hdisk1

What version, release, and maintenance level of AIX is running on my system?
Type one of the following:
oslevel -r

lslpp -h bos.rte

How do I mount a file system?
The following command will mount file system /dev/fslv02 on the /test directory:
mount /dev/fslv02 /test

How do I mount all default file systems (all standard file systems in the /etc/filesystems file marked by the mount=true attribute)?
The following command will mount all such file systems:
mount {-a|all}

How do I unmount a file system?

Type the following command to unmount /test file system:
umount /test

How do I display mounted file systems?
Type the following command to display information about all currently mounted file systems:

How do I display information about installed filesets on my system?
Type the following:
lslpp -l

How do I determine if a fix is installed on my system?
To determine if IY24043 is installed, type:
instfix -ik IY24043

How do I verify if filesets have required prerequisites and are completely installed?

To show which filesets need to be installed or corrected, type:
lppchk -v

How do I determine the amount of paging space allocated and in use? 
Type the following:
lsps -a

How do I identify the network interfaces on my server?
Either of the following two commands will display the network interfaces:
lsdev -Cc if

ifconfig -a

To get information about one specific network interface, for example, tr0, run the command:
ifconfig tr0

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