I have written a shell script to find out how many messages
are struck in queue and purging/deleting messages from queue.
Download the following script and store it in a
location such as /usr/local/bin.
Provide the file permissions and ownership for this
script as you see fit. In this example, they are:
$ chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/clear-mq-messages.sh
$ chown mqm:mqm /usr/local/bin/clear-mq-messages.sh
$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/clear-mq-messages.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 mqm mqm
1296 Oct 30 14:34 clear-mq-messages.sh
echo -e "\nPlease enter the \"queuemanager\"
read queuemanager
echo -e "\nPlease enter the \"input_queue\"
read inputqueue
struck_message=`echo "DISPLAY QL($inputqueue)
CURDEPTH" | runmqsc $queuemanager | grep 'CURDEPTH(' | sed
's/.*CURDEPTH//' | tr -d '()'`
if [ $struck_message = "0" ]; then
echo -e
echo "now no messages in " $inputqueue
echo -e
echo -e "\n\nThank you!!! Bye!!!\n"
exit 0
echo -e
echo "the" $inputqueue
"CURDEPTH count is" $struck_message
echo -e
echo -e "Would you really like to flush the
$inputqueue? <y/N> "
read prompt
if [[ $prompt == "y" || $prompt == "Y"
|| $prompt == "yes" || $prompt == "Yes" ]]
echo -e
echo "clear qlocal($inputqueue)" | runmqsc
echo -e
struck_message2=`echo "DISPLAY QL($inputqueue)
CURDEPTH" | runmqsc $queuemanager | grep 'CURDEPTH(' | sed
's/.*CURDEPTH//' | tr -d '()'`
echo "Now the CURDEPTH count is" $struck_message2
echo -e
echo -e "\n\nThank you!!! Bye!!!\n\n"
exit 0
Let see how this script will work
while script executing time this script will ask
QueueManager name & queue name.
Let see CURDEPTH count only....
If CURDEPTH count is zero, the script will work as below
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